Limited Tort

June 15th, 2020

In the previous blogs I have talked about the importance of having Full Tort insurance coverage. As we know, Full Tort is the unrestricted right to sue for non-economic loss (pain and suffering) when you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident.

Unfortunately, a number of people have Limited Tort. They have chosen this type of insurance coverage through poor advice from their insurance agent in an effort to save a few dollars on their insurance premiums or a complete lack of understanding of the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act.

Frequently when people call an attorney to advise them after having a motor vehicle accident occur, one of the first questions asked is what kind of insurance coverage do you have. From my experience, attorneys often decline representation and even decline giving individuals appointments when they have Limted Tort insurance coverage.

I am different.

Even if you have Limited Tort insurance coverage, I may be able to recover money for you. To do this, it will be necessary for you to make an appointment in person and discuss the case. A Limited Tort case is a more difficult case but if given the proper cooperation and circumstances, it is a case that can be won.

If you were in a motor vehicle accident and you do have Limited Tort insurance coverage, I urge you to call my office to make an appointment. There is no fee for the appointment. I will be happy to discuss the case and if I believe I can help, I will take your case. You have nothing to lose.

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